Wednesday 17 October 2012

Id Kandaman Id Kalangadan

" Without awareness, it's enter 3years 4 months you left me forever.
They thought everything is forgetton..
The truth your smilling,kindness and love
Still around of me
Through Days or night
Holding myself tightly...
Forgive me God
I still can't erase
this special gift
that You have ever given to me.."

The Colourful of My village

Bunga Raya..Bunga Raya,Bunga Raya...
My Honour,Kerinduanku,Kalandaganku

(For Whom May Concern-TQ for this Pic )

My Village also is one of the biggest produce and supplying of the ginger
in Keningau Town. Of course,my parents also plant this crop since 4 years ago and every month i pay a few people to help my father & mother to seed or harvest the crop (LIke Farmville Game lo).Wait ,my R &D soon.I try to get more info how many people involve this plantation.

(For Whom May Concern-TQ for this Pic )

"Tul lung"(Bahasa Dusun) or Lada Putih In Malay.Huh..very hot but very delicious. Cook with Ikan Masin,Losun (Local Union Green Colour),asam jawa and tomato or maybe with brinjal.Try it and maybe you will fall in love with it...

"Topu" or Bunga Kantan. Also can find in my village. Suitable to eat with chilli and rice. of my favourite.Don't you?

(For Whom May Concern-TQ for this Pic )

"Mengasok or Menugal" padi Bukit View. Have you try?This job built up the teamwork among the people in my village.Normally, the guys "Mengasok"- make the hole with the wood stick on the ground and following by the woman at the back side to feed the Paddy Seed into the every hole have made.Need skill to make faster..

(For Whom May Concern-TQ for this Pic )

"Mengetam Padi" or Menuai Padi by teamwork.Very like it

(For Whom May Concern-TQ for this Pic )

"Mengiyop" or mengangin Padi.After harvesting the Paddy Field, the farmer will store and separated the paddy by quality. They doing the "Mengiyop" activities to throw away the unwanted paddy.The best quality finally will be store at the "Ladkau-small cottage" to avoid rain or mouse.

(For Whom May Concern-TQ for this Pic )

"Podsilang" or Menjemur Padi under the hot sun before processing to rice.

Friday 12 October 2012

My Beautiful Village

Kampung Bunga Raya,Keningau,Sabah

 SK.Bunga Raya,Keningau,Sabah

Kemudahan sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan yang terdapat di kampungku.Di sinilah bermulanya perjalananku untuk mencari dan menimba ilmu sebagai pelita hidup.Walaupun cukup sederhana,aku bangga menjadi murid di sekolah ini.Seorang budak perempuan berambut ekor kuda diikat dua.Malas belajar,asyik bermain guli dan main getah dengan budak lelaki.Tamat sesi pembelajaran, datang sekolah lagi bermain-main dengan kawan2 sampai petang.Betul2 tak belajar.Tapi pejam celik,aku lepas juga.Sekadar kenangan,di sini juga aku pernah dirotan krn tak pandai bermain seruling,berjabat tangan dengan lelaki buat pertama kali atas arahan Guru Besar krn gaduh.Osfs..Cikgu Mansur,Nasir,Masir,Painin dan cikgu Tairin Lontou.Thanks a lot.

                                 Kemudahan Klinik Desa,
                        Kampung Bunga Raya,Keningau,Sabah

                         Gereja Katolik St Fabianus,
                       Tonobon Baru Keningau,Sabah

Lokasi Tempat Menarik.


Bekas Sumber air untuk pengairan air kolam milik seorang tauke cina Mr Lim 10 tahun yang lalu di Kampung Bunga Raya. Dahulunya kawasan sekeliling kolam ini bersih dan terjaga tetapi sejak aktiviti perniagaan ditamatkan maka kawasan ini terbiar.Mujur ada usaha pihak Gereja katolik ST Fabianus,Tonobon  Baru (Bunga Raya) untuk cuba memelihara kawasan ini semula. Abang tiri saya,bekas supervisor di ladang penternakan ayam, pemeliharaan ayam dan penanaman jambu batu. Seronok dapat makan ikan free tetapi kenangan pahit di salah satu kolam yg trdpt di sini saya hampir lemas kerana ditarik oleh anak buah saya yang hampir lemas.Tak tahu macam mana kami selamat.

Hijau dan mesra tetapi bahaya. Kedalaman kolam ini tidak pernah terjejas meskipun kemarau panjang di kampung kami.


Anak Sungai 1

Ha..ha...ha...Kampung saya memang tiada sungai yang besar.Hanya sungai Monggitom yang kecil ini saja.

Anak Sungai 2

Bolehlah mandi-manda.Tetapi baik mandi di rumah saja ba.

Poem,Short Story, Words Of Wisdom,etc

Just to encourage ourselves
Because Life is a journey
and everyone have the weakness
Thanks for those who share or tag this wisdom words
I'm so happy
I really like this..

Faith,HOpe & Love

1. 5 jenis Ibadah Harian Yang Harus Ada Dalam Diri
  • Berdoa
  • Bernyanyi
  • Mendengar Dan Merenung Firman Tuhan
  • Memberi Persembahan/Persepuluhan
  • Mengerjakan Kebajikan 

My Colourful Journey

My Lovely Family